Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Aknoledgement From Mufumbiro Tours and Safaris

                                          MUFUMBIRO  TOUR  AND SAFARIS
www.mufumbirotsafaris.blogspot.com or mufumbirotsafari.gmail.com

Mufumbiro tour and safaris being in the process of establishing tourism sector in Karagwe now decided to join with one of the group of artist from Bukoba known as Kagera development association program (KADEP) .Kadep originated from Budap Bukoba disabled association program (BUDAP) ,is the group still organizing the museum of the region in Kagera.Kadep  prepared different ornaments for different people with its value stands in good place. Tradition drums from different cultures.
                      The below pictures photos taken from KADAP.

                                        MUFUMBIRO TOUR AND SAFARIS
 The news from mufumbiro tour and safaris, playing the role of protecting culture the organization of mufumbiro tour and safaris is  preparing to form the group named  “mufumbiro tour dance group” which will be under Oscar Bakina from Kiruruma Bushangaro in Karagwe as the teacher  of the group

                               MUFUMBIRO TOUR AND SAFARIS
Mufumbiro tour and safaris is expecting to form quswida group .This group will deal to youth  and younger from the age of 10 to 18.This is morning in mufumbiro tour because this is the new project ,purposely the group Advantages will be for disabled group .

Mufumbiro tour and safaris
Kampuni ya mufumbiro tour and safaris inapendakuungana na familia za ndugu na jamaa katika kumbukumbu ya  kuadhimisha miaka 16 ya kuzama kwa mv Bukoba.Ni kweli kuwa kila ifikapo tarehe 22 may kila mwaka  familia nyingi za Bukoba,Ukerewe,Mwanza,na watu jirani kutoka mikoa ya njee pamoja na nchi jirani hasa waliopenda kuutumia usafiri wa mv Bukoba wanaitumia fursa yakuwakumbuka  ndugu na jamaa  waliopoteza uhai wa maisha yao katika mv Bukoba.
Kampuni hii inatoa pole kwa ndugu na jamaa  lakini inapenda kuwakumbusha kiimani wale wote walioguswa na tukio hilo kuwa ndugu zao waombewe pumziko la amani maana hakuna aliyepanga ajali hiyo kutokea bali ni mapenzi ya mungu, kiongozi mkuu muandaji wa habari hizi kupitia blog anasema kutokea kwa ajali kunatufanya tuibue maneno mengi lakini tukumbuke kuwa ajali haina kinga na mara nyingi tuwaombee ndugu zetu ili mwenyezi mungu awapumzishe kwa amani ndugu  waliokufa kifo kibaya  cha bila hatia.

Usafiri wa meli  umedumu kwa miongo sita mpaka sasa na umekuwa ni wa muhimu katika utoaji wa huduma za usafiri wa uhakika kutoka mwanza mpaka bukoba , pamoja na hayo usafiri huu huwa ni wa uhakika na  ni wa  kumwezesha kila  raia yeyote kukidhi gharama zake.
Pamoja na kuwa huu ni usafiri  mzuri lakini pia watu hawajauelewa tofauti na kupanda wa kafika wanapokwenda salama,wakati mwingine watu wengine wanakuwa hawajui chombo hiki kinavyofanya kazi kila siku  hata hivyo kuna mambo muhimu watu wayotaka kuyaelewa kabla kuanza ya safari.
(a) Meli ni nini?.
(b)Usafiri wa meli ni wa gharama kiasi gani?.
(c) Je unaposafiri na meli una kuwa na usalama kiasi gani?
(d) Pamoja na walakini tulionao juu yam v bukoba tutaendeleaje kuutumia usafiri wa mv Victoria?.
(e)  Tufanye nini ili tuupende usafiri wa meli ambao umedumu miaka zaidi ya 65 na ajali yake imetokea mara moja ?
(f)  Ni nani ataielimisha jamii kuhusu usafiri wa meli kama sio serikali?.

Katika hili kampuni hii imepata kuamini kuwa ajali ya meli iliyotokea mwaka 1995 kuna raia wengi hawakuyaelewa majibu ya maswali haya ,kwa sababu meli ilikuwa na maboti ya uokoaji,maboya pamoja na vifaa vingine ambovyo vingelitumika kwa dharula,lakini watu waliruka na kupoteza maisha bure .

Mufumbiro tour and safaris imepania kuanza kuwatembeza  wanafunzi,raia wa aina yoyote ,wafanya kazi pamojana wageni wasioijua meli ,malengo kuhakikisha wote tunakuwa na sehemu ya majibu ya maswali haya.Ili tuweze kuupenda usafiri huu wa gharama za kawaidana utusaidie siku zote .

                            CORPORATE PROFIR



COGRATURATION LEETTER……………………………………………………


VISSION AND MISSION………………………………………………………………....



First and foremost ,on behalf of all Mufubiro tour and safaris team through the world, I would like to welcome you to visit our natural resourses .Mufubiro tour team decided to promote tourism in East Africa back to 2012 years ago and also bring better comprehensive transport to mankind.

Today more people are fulfilling their dreams by visiting Tanzania natural resources .We believe making the right choice will make you succeed in your dreams. When you have a very promising in tourism Tanzania with a coupled succefull system your personal achievement in tourism will be also at its height.

By having excellent cooperation with our tour ,we could expect  you would attain various knowledge and  awards in our tour .I sincerely hope you would  look the relevant documents regarding your responsibilities  and rights as mufumbiro tour and safaris visitor.Mufumbiro tour and safaris consistently follows the visitors virtue of honesty is the best policy .At the end of the day  I believe  the process of cooperation with Mufumbiro tour and safaris together with you r consistent effort s,definity soar  high enough  mufumbiro tour and safaris ever stage is successifull.Ihope to see you all at your coming.



Mufumbiro tour and safaris originated from the mount of Rwanda which named MUFUMBIRO many years ago. Over the centuries ancestors were used the mountains to divine the season of rainfall around.

In 2009 Mr. Jackson Gresmo came from Karagwe to start his tours .My philosophy is to contribute to the society by restoring environment to mankind. Thus our cooperate culture consistently educate the society, staff, visitors, and members in earn dedicating oneself to bringing mankind. , environment confidence, hope success and wealth with the central of serving society by restoring health.

Hence our cooperate slogan: together we can and let as share together.

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