Monday, August 26, 2013


  1. 1.Kyamunene waterfalls ,Kyamunene pain forest ,Kyamunene caves
  3. 2 . Itawa iron works
  4. 3.Businde viewpoint & Igurubi view point 
  6. 4 . Kagera water falls 
  8. 5. Mutagata hot water spring
  10. 6 .Chiefdom house in Ngara 
  12. 7.Chief Rumanyika Museam ,Three Hills in Ngara 
  14. 8 . Rock and cave paintings
  16. 9 . Kagera rift Valley 
  18. 10 .Chisana point view 
  20. 11 .Germany  cementry 
  22. 12 . Musira island 
  24. 13.Religion shrine Nyakijoga Mugan,Rockpaintings and Kantare forest 

  25. 14 . Rubare waterfalls and Cave 
  27. 15 . Nyanga cave in Bwera  Karagwe

Our Kagera

By Nadejda Josephine Msindai | Chimpanzee Researcher at Rubondo rubondoisland After an extended break from the island – 2 months – I am now back, London was great because I had a chance to see my friends and family. But I have also missed Rubondo and my little chimpies. So after a month of October of not seeing the elusive ‘fellas’ I had a wonderful end of the month when the chimps decided to stay with us last Friday. We heard the chimpanzees calling on several consecutive days, and saw them briefly for half an hour on Thursday. Then because we knew roughly where they were sleeping on Thursday night, we travelled early in the morning at 5AM to Kamea on Friday; on entering the forest at 06:25 hrs we heard load chimpanzee calls and walked closer towards their sounds. We observed the chimpanzees dropping from their nests and walking along the forest floor. It was very dark at this time and so it was difficult to see them clearly. But we think there were about 6 chimps in total… The chimpanzees kept vocalising for half an hour. Several of them started to move up the hill, and my trackers followed them up onto the top. We saw one chimpanzee climb back on top of a tree. So together with a field assistant I stayed back and waited for it to drop back down. We waited for nearly an hour. It was difficult to see the chimpanzee because the tree in which it was located in was very bushy/dense – we patiently sat and waited. Photo © Nadejda Josephine Msindai Then suddenly there was a commotion in the tree and two chimpanzees climbed out and onto another tree. They crossed several trees and finally settled down to observe us. There was one adult male and one juvenile male. They continued to call intermittently for around 3 hours. They were feeding and resting for some of the time. The chimpanzees remained with us for 10 hours and even built a proper day nest up in the trees. I had to send one of my boys to fetch me some lunch at midday. Eventually at 16:30 hrs they moved off to join their fellows and we lost them in the thick lianas. Read more of Josephine’s experiences following and observing chimps on Rubondo Island on her blog Chimpanzee Letters. Share this:


Kagera attractions